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2015 CEGA Championship Recap

Congrats to everyone on another great season, but especially to the following guys who sacked up in the last tourney:

- Big Neth had another strong finish to the season...Not only did he take down the Championship, but he was also poker champion and Most Improved (in back-to-back years and all-time). Have yourself a weekend, bud!

- Dialer somehow overcame the worst draw in history...he needed to win his match on Saturday and have both me and Veej lose. Little did he know that I drew him as a partner from the field in another group, so there was virtually no way he could win...but lo and behold, I lost my match by 1 and Jeb took down Team Play Championship honors! He also eked out 2nd Place POTY honors by 5 points (by finishing 3rd place in the Championship by 2 strokes)...Proving that golf is a game of inches (

- Veej would have boat raced the field if not for two phenomenal rounds by Tim, but he still posted a solid 2nd Place finish in the Championship.

- AB told me he didn't finish the way he would have me, I know how he feels! Still, he finished 4th in the CEGA Championship and took down his first major with a Masters victory in 2015, so the overall results were obviously not too shabby.

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