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Boss Bros Invitational

Thanks for coming out Saturday for the Boss Bros Invitational!

We started the day in pouring rain at Corica South so no Golf Boards and cart path only, UGH! The course drains nicely though and the only thing flooded were the bathrooms! Greg took the early lead with an eagle on 18 from 153 yards out! Jeb was hot on his heels with birdie after birdie. AB fought through back problems and finished. His swing was a quite a show...we do not have actual video, but you can see a close resemblance here:

Leffler played his way into the final group. Brady had a good round and was lurking in 5th place. Segale was probably a combined 4 inches in putts from being in the lead. I had a combined 20 yards with my first two drives but warmed up from there for a decent round. AW turned in another OK round...think he is trying to sandbag us for the rest of the season!

We took a socioeconomic tour of Oakland and got to Sequoyah -- where they were having a fashion show in our honor. Our host, Chuck, treated us to a buffet lunch where Brady quickly realized he needed to have thirds to have the energy to go out and finish! And finish he did as he shot a -1 to take the tournament! Congrats to him! To keep it in the family, his brother continued his torrid pace and shot a +2 to come in second. Segale must have gotten his putter going and took 3rd place. Leffler and I got stuck in the mud and faded. Greg did not eat enough at the buffet and did not have any more eagles. AW sandbagged some more. We left AB at the buffet.

Tourney 3 is next!

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